
This page serves as the official privacy policy page for

Let’s keep it short and sweet: this site does not collect any of your personally-identifiable information. It only collects non-personally identifiable information about your visit like your browser version, operating system, etc. This information is used to improve the site and for other similar reasons. If you want to, you can browse this site anonymously by changing the settings on your browser if it is equipped with private browsing settings.

There may be third-party advertisements or links on this site occasionally, and these links or advertisements may lead to external sites when clicked. These external sites have separate and independent privacy policies, and takes no responsibility for the content or information on those sites. Any relation or inference to any persons living or dead by the content on this site is purely co-incidental and unintentional. Nothing on this site constitutes advice. By using this site, you agree to hold and its owners free from any and all liability resulting from the use or misuse of this site and the information contained herein. Any necessary changes to this page will be posted here without any advance notification.

If you have any questions, you may contact the site admin by sending an email to admin[at]joomladayfinland[dot]com.